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Title Description Date(s) Location Media
Time, fabric and a lot of Youtube 2020/04/26 Saskatoon
Covid19 Crooner

Oral permission obtained for use by usask archive

2020/05/07 Victoria Park, Saskatoon
Ripped in Riversdale

Oral permission obtained by subject for use by usask archive

2020/05/07 Victoria Park, Saskatoon
the 1918 pandemic at the University of Saskatchewan

p. 84 from  Seeking A Balance

selfie: makeshift mask out of a hair scarf

Photo of a person wearing a makeshift face mask that is a hair scarf/bandana tied around the face.

2020-05-07 Saskatoon mask
A Masked Statue

A masked fairy statue is chained to a yard in the Buena Vista neighbourhood, Saskatoon.

2020-04-26 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan A masked fairy statue stands in a front yard
Locked doors at the University of Saskatchewan

Image of the locked entrance doors to the USask Arts and Sciences Building

2020-04-17 Saskatoon Usask Arts and Science
Kinsmen Park

Image of a seemingly deserted Kinsmen park on a sunny day. In the distance the photographers young daughter learns to ride her bike without training wheels. An upside to no school, no daycare and working from home, means more time as a family and more time for life lessons.

2020-05-08 Saskatoon Kinsmen Park
City Perks cafe sign

Image of sign taped to a local favourite cafe, City Perks, regarding curbside pick up of takeaways at sister cafe Sparrow cafe

2020-05-08 Saskatoon City Perks sign
Royal University Hospital signage

Image of an informative poster at the entrance to the Royal University Hospital detailing new screening and masking procedure

2020-04-17 Saskatoon Royal University Hospital screening signage